Well, here we are again, another day that promises to hit 100 degrees (in some areas promises of double digit temps are qualified with the dreaded "but with the heat index it will feel like...."). Every time I feel that beautiful wave of cool air I would love to give a big THANK YOU! to the inventor of air conditioning, Willis Carrier. Here is Willis, brains and cute too! (Great combo in a man!)
Why all this talk about temps and A/C? I was looking through the photo line up for the Freebie and came across this photo - everyone in the pic looks happy but I cannot imagine how they can stand all those clothes? There has to be at least 2-3 layers of long heavy cotton on those ladies, not to mention thick stockings -ugh! I am starting to get a little faint just thinking about it. (Smelling salts! Does anyone remember those little bottles of smelling salts from our grandmother's days?)
As much as I love the idea of the 'good old days' (I am absolutely certain I was meant to live in the 1920's and 1930's) - the thought of giving up air conditioning, and ice cubes, hair dryers and television is the only thing that makes me think that living in the present is where I am supposed to be - but boy-o-boy I sure do love the clothes and whole Art Deco era.
Although this RPPC has no identifying comments on back I think it is from an earlier time. (Hey, maybe that whole 'it is too hot for bloomers, stockings, undershirt, petticoat, skirt, blouse is what gave way to those adorable little flapper dresses?)
Anyway, here is this weeks photo -
Amen! Love this image!!