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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

L is for Lagniappe

Lagniappe? What's a lagniappe?  Or, more correctly, what is lagniappe? 

The dictionary tells us -
la·gniappe noun \ˈlan-ˌyap, lan-ˈ\

: a small gift given a customer by a merchant at the time of a purchase; broadly : something given or obtained gratuitously or by way of good measure

Examples of LAGNIAPPE -
   -the meal was served with a lagniappe of freshly made cornbread

   -the hotel threw in some free shampoo as a lagniappe

American French, from American Spanish la ñapa the lagniappe, from la + ñapa, yapa, from Quechua yapa something added
First Known Use: 1844

Whenever I get things from the Etsy shops, I am always so amazed at the little 'extras' the shop owners include in the package.  Often, the little surprises are as nice as the item I purchased!  These little 'extras' are lagniappe. Lagniappe is a good business practice - it leaves customers with a feeling of good will  that can encourage future purchases.  The old saying 'a baker's dozen' (13) is a tasty bit of lagniappe!

Here are 3 delightful sites where you will find lots of lovely lagniappe -  clip art, craft ideas and more!


Hope you enjoy visiting the sites and find something of interest!

Lagniappe, today's letter L word, is brought to you by the Alphabe-Thursday bloghop, which can be accessed via the link to the right!


  1. Well I learned a new word today! I have always thought that Lagniappe was just good business practice, now I know what to call it...

  2. That is quite interesting! I love getting to learn new words.

  3. Fascinating word and very informative post ~ thanx ^_^

    Carol of: A Creative Harbor ~ visiting from Alphabe Thurs.

  4. What wonderful new word!

  5. Is there any one of us that doesn't like getting a little something extra? Cute post!

  6. Love a post that teaches me something new!

  7. I love this word and I love this practice!

    And I always thought this would be a fun name for a gift/antique shop!

    Thanks for the smile!

    This is one of my favorite words!

