Being a person who is attracted to the works of of Modigliani, Cassatt, Van Gogh, Klimt, it came as a surprise to me that I was intrigued by the works of Klee. Paul Klee (1879 -1940) was a Swiss born artist who, it would seem, had a lifelong love affair with color. Therein lies the attraction. I love the colors that Klee used in his works. Also, I realized that many of his works are reminiscent of quilts (another art form that I admire so much). Maybe this is the attraction?
K is also for Kids. I adore children's art. When I walk the hallways of a school and see the artwork of students, my heart almost sings. Especially, those pieces done by children who have not yet been told what is and isn't 'right' about their work. Their work has not yet been influenced to meet the ideas of what should and shouldn't put into their art. They still put their heART into their ART.
So, imagine my surprise and delight when I came across a photo of Klee's work being incorporated into an art lesson for kids. Sadly, the arts in education are falling victim to budget cuts and the idea that there are more important things for children to learn. Hah! TheArts are a jumping point for so many avenues of education- math, literature, writing...hopefully, times will change and we will embrace the Arts as a vital part of a child's education. (Okay, I will now step down from my soapbox and begin the photos!)
Paul Klee in his studio. (I so enjoy seeing photographs of artists in their studio).
One of my favorite Klee's. I adore the color palette.
Here are several other Klee's I picked because of the color palette -

Temple Viertel
Dream City
Here is one of the Children's Art Klee Project - it can be found on Flickr, the photograph was taken by L. Kaldeway (another K!)
And, here is a website of another Klee - Kid's Art. - Art: Expression of Imagination: Paul Klee Inspired Cityscapes by Gr.7
I hope you have a gleeful Klee-full time visiting the site!
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Interesting post! I love the Kid's art.
What wonderful shapes and pictures they created!
ReplyDeleteI love Klee's work as well. As for children's art, I have always encouraged my children, and theirs, to create pieces that I could frame and hang in my house. I have a wall of artwork in my den that includes two pieces that one of my granddaughters did when she was in elementary school. They look quite at home alongside the works by my fellow professional artists.
ReplyDeleteI love quilts and can totally see quilt like qualities in his work. Thank you for introducing me to this man and his work.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful art from Klee. We have the same problem at our our art program is now taught by parent docents who volunteer. It's going well!
I've always been a fan of Klee. My elderly aunt introduced me to his work when I was very maybe 8 or 9...and I've always loved the simple, childlike and playful images he it reminds me of that wonderful aunt. Thanks for reminding me once again!
ReplyDeleteI am with you about the arts in schools. How can we ever expect our children to be well rounded adults if they have no understanding of art?
ReplyDeleteLovely art from Mr. Klee, thanks for sharing it...
ReplyDeleteI've discovered something or should I say someone new today. I too love the color palette of Klee's Highway. Fascinating post! It's a funny coincidence that today, the collaboration poem over at my monthly writing blog is called Painting Love. Thanks for sharing & visiting.
The Kindness Of Love
Way back when, probably in the late 1980s, there was a trend that involved picking makeup and wardrobe colors based on a person's "season," which was determined by an assessment of hair, eye, and complexion characteristics. I think I was gifted a session and really enjoyed the time I spend with the consultant. One of the things I remember is that children, left to their own devices, will instinctively choose clothing colors that are suited to their physical characteristics. It's a shame that outside influences too quickly diminish such instincts.
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I was a Picture Lady for our elementary school where once a month I would go into my kids classrooms and feature an artist and do a project for display. Really enjoyed those days♫♪
ReplyDeleteThanks everyone for the feedback about one of my pet peeves (Arts in Education). I want to be a Picture lady!!! That is just a great idea.
ReplyDeleteI love children's artwork, and these are fantastic.
ReplyDeleteOur elementary used to hold an annual night out to display artwork throughout the school, and then it just stopped. So sad that even that event needs money to run!
Every child should have a chance to learn about the great artists - and be exposed to new, relatively unknown artists. In a perfect world, I think that children would see art and literature as being as valuable as sport and math.
ReplyDeletePaul Klee is one of my absolute favorite artists!
ReplyDeleteMy husbands like realism more in paintings but I still have three beloved Klee posters around the house!
I don't know his "Highways" piece.
Am off to google it for posters!
Thank you so much for an inKredible link!
This was wonderful.