Sunday is Earth Day. Seems kind of appropriate to celebrate the place given that we all live here - be it in the United States, United Kingdom, and all points east and west , north or south of both. Or even if we live in LaLa Land, (where I personally have a room reserved at all times!). So, in honor of Earth Day give the old soul/soil some fresh compost, plant a tree or flower or bush, clean up a litter spot, dispose of toxic chemicals approriately (not down the sewer drains, thank you very much!) or even just take a walk and enjoy the sights and scents of Spring. Happy Birthday Earth! Happy Earth Day!
In keeping with the theme, today's photo freebie is of little Murray, who is dressed in his Sunday best according to info on the back of the pic. He is 2 years and 3 months. I love the little pith helmet. And, those little jodphur-like pants. Too cute.
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