This is a photo of a lovely woman named Ruby Offenbacken, taken in 1953.
I always get a kick out of seeing photos taken around the time I was born. I love to see what the clothes, shoes and hairstyles were like. It appears that Ruby is a happy young woman, and a real looker to boot. The sounds of that old Dion and the Belmonts song 'Ruby Ruby, when will you be mine' always come into my head when I hear the name Ruby. As a little girl I always thought it must have been great to have a song named after you!! Dawn, Barbara Ann, Gloria, Diana, Sherie, Rhonda, Suzy (in many songs), name a few...I am into the second half of a century and I am still waiting for a Verna song. Something tells me I am going to keep on waiting too. Oh well, until then, I will just have to 'adapt' some song lyrics - Verrrrrrrrna baby, won't you come out tonight, Keep away from Round around Verna, V-E-R-N-A Verrrna, Vern Vern Vern Verna --- NO! Nevermind, even put to lyrics the sound of it still makes me cringe! Oh well, hope you like the photo and if you think of any other name songs, please feel free to add them to the list here
What a charming picture. I love the expression on her face! So dreamy and fun.