I remember having a tea set when I was little. The little china kind, not the funky modern plastic jobbies that began to be produced in the 60's. (ooooh....I am revealing my age!!!) I loved to play 'Mama's and Daddies" (another term for "Playing house").
Today's photo is of a sweet little child with tea set and that appears to be one very nice set there. Also, I have to say, the clothes on this child just do me in. I love them. Notice those little 'spats-like' shoes. And, the chair and table. Well, just be still my heart. What a great photo.
There are no names or identifying marks on the front of the photo and sadly, the back is totally obscured because it has been glued to a piece of scrapbook paper. So, I have no info to share regarding the little kiddie!
Technical difficulties have been resolved - I threw my blood sugar meter against the wall, and now the readings are ZERO, so I feel better. Hah! (and, you thought that the technical difficulties were of the computer kind I bet!)
Hope you enjoy the Saturday Sweetie. I think she/he is just adorable.
How sweet is this?!!