"She is too fond of books and it has turned her brain." -- Louisa May Alcott
Someone once tole me "you are the reading-est child I have ever seen". Yep. True, guilty. I have had a book in my face as far back as I can remember. Love em. Every room in my house has piles of them stacked up, to be read, just been read, waiting to be re-read.
Every year at Christmas time I go to Barnes and Noble - ALONE - and spend a few hours there looking at all of the new story books being offered for the holidays. Okay, okay, and I admit it, I usually end up bringing at least one of them home with me. A Christmas favorite for me continues to be 'The Polar Express' by Chris Van Allsburg. I love the illustrations and the simplicity of the story. The illustrations are just magnificent. And, while my ears no longer hear the little silver bell, a little piece of my heart continues to feel a tiny glimmer of the tinkling bell.
I have this poster hanging in my laundry room over the machines - in the summer the sight of the snow falling gently on this train is like a bit of cool air in the sauna-like garage of a Virginia summer.
If you enjoy story books, new and old (and I do mean old) you may like to visit this website -
The Playful Antiquarian -
Please feel free to leave a comment about favorit childhood books of yours, I would love to hear about them.
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