Inchies, twinchies and thrincies - 1x1 inch, 2x2 inches, 3x3 inches - are all tiny little works of art. As the eyes get older, I find I need a magnifying glass sometimes! But, now! I have come across the concept of 'minchies' - 1/2 x 1/2 inch! Umm...I think I better invest in an industrial size magnifying glass if I want to do these.
Such tiny little pieces could be used as part of a larger work - minchies on inchies, or minchies on ATCs or collage work. But, of course, I am still trying to figure out how to get paste the need for 'more power' for the eyeglasses so I could do the work! I am going to look around and see what I can find out about these little bitties.
Meanwhile, I am hosting an inchie swap at AmusingMuses. The theme is green/white/black as a palette. The swap out time is almost here. When I get the little sets sorted I will take a poto of all of them so that you can see how great they look!
Love your blog Verna...and I have been an admirer of your work for a long time now. I am sure you will find me visiting often. Thanks for the freebee's. Hugs, Diane